Musical Meditation – Steve Vai

Music Practice as Meditation

Steve Vai on Meditation —Musical Meditation 

The first essay I encountered that dealt directly with playing as a meditation was written by Steve Vai, rock guitarist and devil in the “duel with the devil” scenes in the movie “Crossroads”.  Although many musicians understand the meditative qualities of practice, the idea is particularly well presented here.



Musicians Have More Sensitive Brains – “Music Speaks”

Musicians found to have “more sensitive” brains 

In an intriguing series of studies,  Dr.Peter  Schneider of Heidelberg  University and colleagues are investigating individual differences in sound perception, absolute pitch, and morphology of the auditory cortex in  various conditions.  Abstracts can be found at

According to this article in the Independent (UK), Dr. Schneider, et al. have found that musicians have “bigger, more sensitive brains.” More precisely, the auditory cortex of musicians was found to have more grey matter than that of nonmusicians;  sensitivity apparently refers to ability to detect small changes in melodies.  In an intriguing series of studies,  Dr. Schneider and colleagues are investigating individual differences in sound perception, absolute pitch, and morphology of the auditory cortex in  various conditions.

Interesting tidbit from the study: “Remarkably, the number of instruments played by subjects showed significant correlations with all language aptitude measures and musicality, whereas, the number of foreign languages did not show any correlations “.  The hotlink to the study is in the research section on this blog.