Does Music Training Change the Brain?

A summary of several studies

Neuroscientists are pursuing studies of the effects of playing a musical instrument on the developing brain.

In an article published on the DANA Foundation website in 2009, Ben Mauk summarized an ongoing study conducted by Ellen Winner of Boston College and Gottfried Schlau of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School. Quoting from the article, “This is the first study to show brain plasticity in young children as a function of instrumental music instruction,” Schlaug said.

Other researchers have addressed the effects of music education on attention and intelligence.  Michael Posner of the University of Oregon found evidence supporting far transfer, or generalization of music training effects to other areas.

Music Training Changes Brain Networks

Music Training Influences Brain Development in Children

Researchers at the Brain and Creativity Institute at the University of Southern California launched a five-year study in 2012 and have published preliminary findings in the journal Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.

In an article posted in USC News (linked below), Emily Gersima quotes lead author Assal Habibi :

“Within two years of the study, the neuroscientists found the auditory systems of children in the music program were maturing faster in them than in the other children. The fine-tuning of their auditory pathway could accelerate their development of language and reading, as well as other abilities – a potential effect which the scientists are continuing to study.”

Children’s Brains Develop Faster with Musical Training