
This section contains links to primary research.  Since some articles written for the layman omit details important to scientists and students,  I thought it would be useful to aggregate links to the source.

Neural tracking of the musical beat is enhanced by low-frequency sounds

Investigation of the neurobiological substrates of rhythm an movement to rhythm. Tomas Lenc, Peter E. Keller, Manuel Varlet, and Sylvie Nozaradan

Large-scale brain networks emerge from dynamic processing of musical timbre, key and rhythm

Study using Functional MRI highlights brain regions that process different elements of music

When Music Speaks

  • Turker, Sabrina & Reiterer, Susanne & Preisler, Annemarie & Schneider, Peter. (2017). “When Music Speaks”: Auditory Cortex Morphology as a Neuroanatomical Marker of Language Aptitude and Musicality. Frontiers in Psychology. 8. 2096. 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02096.

Abstract and full article available at ResearchGate.

Neural Substrates of Spontaneous Music Performance: An fMRI Study of Jazz Improvisation

  • Limb CJ, Braun AR (2008) Neural Substrates of Spontaneous Musical Performance: An fMRI Study of Jazz Improvisation. PLoS ONE 3(2): e1679.

Neural Correlates of Accelerated Auditory Processing in Children Engaged in Music Training

  • Habibi, Assal & Cahn, Baruch & Damasio, Antonio & Damasio, Hanna. (2016). Neural Correlates of Accelerated Auditory Processing in Children Engaged in Music Training. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 21. 10.1016/j.dcn.2016.04.003.

Abstract and full article available at ResearchGate link above